Kousaku Ishiguro

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    kousaku ishiguro
     1960年 大阪府に生まれる

     時代によって それらの価値観やステータスってのは違うものですが
     僕個人的には やはり写真っていうものは 単なる記録媒体ではあるかと思います
     そして、それらをどう表現にするのかは 個人のセンスやアイデンティティであるのかとは思います
     写真は写真であり続け それは記録で在り続けるものではないのかと

     それは自身の露出であるでしょうし 僕には全てがセルフポートレイトの様に思えます 
     写真ってのは いったい何なんでしょうね 


    ○写真へのオマージュ / 写真塾(facebook)

    ○Kousaku Ishiguro / Life Of Photograph(facebook)

                               The contact to me / mail

Kousaku Ishiguro
     I am born in Osaka in 1960
     On earth the photograph that what I have begun to shoot beingaware of a thing
called the photograph came under great influence of the photographs such as
Taro Okamoto, Daido Moriyama, Takuma Nakahira, Nobuyoshi Araki
at the time of 1979 will be anything
     Those sense of values and status are different things by the times,
but I push it and sell it to mere another person who thinks whether it is
personal sense and identity I think whether the thing which after
all a photograph says to is a simple recording medium for
I individual and how you do them in expression
and do not intend to do it, but whether the photograph
that I think that a photograph is not the thing which
even art treats art like in these days continues being a photograph,
and it is not the thing which there continues being by a record pole objectivity
will be art if another person thinks them to be art without permission

     On earth the photograph which it will be an exposure of own,
and can think like a self-portrait all to me if there is it
will be what with anything except the record; sleep,
and will be a record and the exposure of own?

Kousaku Ishiguro


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